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Accepting new Waitlistees
Tired of using Email
Tired of using Email
Imagine a personal Assistant that takes care,
of your email Inbox, in any way you want!
Enhance every aspect of your business sales, ensuring satisfaction, loyalty, and unparalleled service. Thanks to AI of course.
24/7 personal Email Management
So you don't need to.
24/7 personal Email Management
So you don't need to.
Your Email Inbox, turned into your personal employee who knows everything you teach her to know.
Talk to your Email Inbox
Eventhough your Inbox contains thousands of Emails. Our AI gives you the opportunity to talk to your Email Inbox, like you do with ChatGPT
Curate Your Inbox with a Simple Command
Tell your personal Assitant exactly what you want to happen, without having to do it yourself
Say Goodbye to Email Apps
Your inbox is just a conversation away. No more switching between apps or navigating complex interfaces. Simply chat with your personal AI Assistant
Talk to your Email Inbox
Eventhough your Inbox contains thousands of Emails. Our AI gives you the opportunity to talk to your Email Inbox, like you do with ChatGPT
Curate Your Inbox with a Simple Command
Tell your personal Assitant exactly what you want to happen, without having to do it yourself
Say Goodbye to Email Apps
Your inbox is just a conversation away. No more switching between apps or navigating complex interfaces. Simply chat with your personal AI Assistant
Talk to your Email Inbox
Eventhough your Inbox contains thousands of Emails. Our AI gives you the opportunity to talk to your Email Inbox, like you do with ChatGPT
Curate Your Inbox with a Simple Command
Tell your personal Assitant exactly what you want to happen, without having to do it yourself
Say Goodbye to Email Apps
Your inbox is just a conversation away. No more switching between apps or navigating complex interfaces. Simply chat with your personal AI Assistant
Talk to your Email Inbox
Eventhough your Inbox contains thousands of Emails. Our AI gives you the opportunity to talk to your Email Inbox, like you do with ChatGPT
Curate Your Inbox with a Simple Command
Tell your personal Assitant exactly what you want to happen, without having to do it yourself
Say Goodbye to Email Apps
Your inbox is just a conversation away. No more switching between apps or navigating complex interfaces. Simply chat with your personal AI Assistant
Talk to your Email Inbox
Eventhough your Inbox contains thousands of Emails. Our AI gives you the opportunity to talk to your Email Inbox, like you do with ChatGPT
Curate Your Inbox with a Simple Command
Tell your personal Assitant exactly what you want to happen, without having to do it yourself
Say Goodbye to Email Apps
Your inbox is just a conversation away. No more switching between apps or navigating complex interfaces. Simply chat with your personal AI Assistant
Stress-less Communication,
improving over time.
Stress-less Communication,
improving over time.
Your assistant takes care of your email inbox, which gives
you the feeling of finaly having control over your own time
Work with Clarity, Free from Email Clutter
Work with Clarity, Free from Email Clutter
Hey Mari, are there any replies to emails I sent out?
Good morning Ron, Not as of now, they have opened your emails, but no answers. Your email to Max from Incredible Inc, went out 3 weeks ago, do you want me to write a quick follow up?
Hey Mari, are there any replies to emails I sent out?
Good morning Ron, Not as of now, they have opened your emails, but no answers. Your email to Max from Incredible Inc, went out 3 weeks ago, do you want me to write a quick follow up?
Hey Mari, are there any replies to emails I sent out?
Good morning Ron, Not as of now, they have opened your emails, but no answers. Your email to Max from Incredible Inc, went out 3 weeks ago, do you want me to write a quick follow up?
Great thanks, please check if the cold emails could benefit me based on the emails i have sent lately. And yes please tell me who said what
Good morning Ron, You have received 50 Emails since yesterday. 5 of them need your immediate Attention, and 6 are ai generated cold emails do you want me to sum up the emails?
Great thanks, please check if the cold emails could benefit me based on the emails i have sent lately. And yes please tell me who said what
Good morning Ron, You have received 50 Emails since yesterday. 5 of them need your immediate Attention, and 6 are ai generated cold emails do you want me to sum up the emails?
Great thanks, please check if the cold emails could benefit me based on the emails i have sent lately. And yes please tell me who said what
Good morning Ron, You have received 50 Emails since yesterday. 5 of them need your immediate Attention, and 6 are ai generated cold emails do you want me to sum up the emails?
Start your day Calm and Focused. Your AI assistant organizes your inbox.
Start your day Calm and Focused. Your AI assistant organizes your inbox.
Start your day Calm and Focused. Your AI assistant organizes your inbox.
Always Informed, Never Overwhelmed. No more anxiety about missing important messages.
Always Informed, Never Overwhelmed. No more anxiety about missing important messages.
Yes please, also schedule a meeting for tomorrow whenever both of us are free thanks
You are meant to finish the Google Ads report until the EOW. There is still time no worries, I see that the last time you asked alex for information, want me to ask him again?
Hey Mari, can you please tell me which report Pieter wanted from me again? I cant remember or find it
Yes please, also schedule a meeting for tomorrow whenever both of us are free thanks
You are meant to finish the Google Ads report until the EOW. There is still time no worries, I see that the last time you asked alex for information, want me to ask him again?
Hey Mari, can you please tell me which report Pieter wanted from me again? I cant remember or find it
Yes please, also schedule a meeting for tomorrow whenever both of us are free thanks
You are meant to finish the Google Ads report until the EOW. There is still time no worries, I see that the last time you asked alex for information, want me to ask him again?
Hey Mari, can you please tell me which report Pieter wanted from me again? I cant remember or find it
Plans for everybody
Plans for everybody
Start with any plan, it’s free and always will be.
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We have all the answers
How does my AI Employee protect my email privacy and security?
She employs state-of-the-art encryption and security protocols. She only accesses the emails you grant permission for and doesn't store any personal data. Your privacy and security are our top priorities.
Can your AI Assistant understand all languages?
Can I use voice commands to interact with your AI Assistant?
Can I connect any Email Client?
Can my AI Inbox Manager understand Attachements?
Can I customise my AI Employee to my liking?
How does my AI Employee protect my email privacy and security?
She employs state-of-the-art encryption and security protocols. She only accesses the emails you grant permission for and doesn't store any personal data. Your privacy and security are our top priorities.
Can your AI Assistant understand all languages?
Can I use voice commands to interact with your AI Assistant?
Can I connect any Email Client?
Can my AI Inbox Manager understand Attachements?
Can I customise my AI Employee to my liking?
How does my AI Employee protect my email privacy and security?
She employs state-of-the-art encryption and security protocols. She only accesses the emails you grant permission for and doesn't store any personal data. Your privacy and security are our top priorities.
Can your AI Assistant understand all languages?
Can I use voice commands to interact with your AI Assistant?
Can I connect any Email Client?
Can my AI Inbox Manager understand Attachements?
Can I customise my AI Employee to my liking?