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Welcome to Marememo

At Marememo, we specialize in automating digital processes

that evolve alongside you and your business.

We specialize in automating digital processes that evolve alongside you and your business. Our goal is to enhance your productivity, increase your profit margins, save time, and ultimately boost your revenue.

Our Misson

We aim to deliver innovative automation strategies that adapt to your evolving needs. By focusing on detailed, collaborative projects, we ensure that our solutions not only save you time and resources but also enhance your revenue streams.

What we Offer


Discovery and Consultation

We begin with a virtual discovery call to understand your business challenges and automation goals.


Customized Automation Projects

We identify core automation opportunities that can save time or increase revenue and build tailored solutions to meet your needs.


Comprehensive Support

From building and launching to ongoing support, we ensure your automation processes run smoothly and efficiently.

On a more personal note:
I started Marememo initially, because I was experiencing something called Email Overload at my 9-5 Job. Basically it is this Phenomenon, where I am completely at my limits, reading all incoming emails, emails I still have to send etc. It is this never ending feeling of FOMO haha.

Well essentially, I applied to Ycombinator, with Mari, your personal Email Inbox Manager. Who would combat exactly that haha, Email Overload. I mean .. Imagine never having to open your Email App ever again, because you have a personal Inbox Manager that does literally everything for you!

Well, as how things go sometimes, I was not invited to an interview.

But the entire process sparked something in me. A burning desire, to bring value not only to myself but other human beings in need of a Solution.

One thing I have always been interested in, is automation, man I love these Indie games where you have to figure out ideal ways of producing certain resources to further develop the entire system. Making sure that all ways lead to end goal, has been challenging but very rewarding for me. In my 9-5 I am not doing anything different … from automating the inbound flow from website to CRM, an RSS trigger to finished SEO optimized Blog Post, from Product Sign Up to Email Chain Ignition.

I have found a genuine interest in automating systems for my own Sales and Marketing Team, Customer Back Office Teams or more.

Thats when it occured to me, that I can offer this skill to other growing Start Ups, Companies, small Businesses and Individuals.

And here we are, welcome to Marememo

Please reach out, if there is anything we can collaborate on!
Ron Junior van Cann
Founder Marememo