Is AI the end of Spam, Phishing, and Spoofing in 2024?

Is AI the end of Spam, Phishing, and Spoofing in 2024?

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Ron Junior van Cann

Ron Junior van Cann

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8 Jun 2024

7 May 2024

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Email Inbox Manager!

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Join the Waitlist, for your AI
Email Inbox Manager!

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Email is essential for communication. But with the convenience comes a darker side: cyber threats in the form of phishing, spoofing, and business email compromise (BEC) attacks. Meet Mari, the savvy Email Inbox Manager that provides a reliable defense against malicious messages and keeps your inbox organized and safe. Let's delve into the alarming statistics behind email threats and see how Mari can help.

Phishing and Spoofing: The Grim Reality

Phishing and spoofing have been persistent threats to individuals and businesses alike. Nearly 96% of phishing attacks are carried out through email. Phishing is an attempt by attackers to deceive individuals into revealing sensitive information, while spoofing involves impersonating trusted entities to lure people into clicking on malicious links or downloading dangerous attachments.

Mari, as an Email Inbox Manager, understands the subtle signs of phishing and spoofing. By analyzing incoming messages for suspicious patterns and sender inconsistencies, Mari can automatically detect and quarantine phishing emails, preventing them from ever reaching your inbox.

Business Email Compromise (BEC): The Silent Saboteur

In 2021, a staggering 77% of organizations experienced BEC attacks. BEC involves attackers impersonating company executives or trusted partners to manipulate employees into redirecting payroll or paying fraudulent supplier invoices. These attacks can devastate businesses, with an average loss of $5.96 million per exploit in 2021.

Mari identifies and mitigates potential BEC threats through behavioral analysis. By understanding typical communication patterns within your organization, Mari can spot anomalies that indicate a possible BEC attack and alert you to take immediate action.

Phishing Attacks: A Widespread Issue

It's not just businesses under threat; individuals are equally at risk. In 2021, 83% of organizations reported successful email-based phishing attacks. Additionally, 39% of individuals said they had received at least one suspicious email attachment, and 15% reported receiving emails impersonating their organization.

With Mari on your side, you can rest easy. Mari scans email attachments and identifies potentially malicious files, blocking them before they can cause harm. Impersonation emails are swiftly flagged, and Mari can provide context-aware warnings, reducing the chances of your team falling prey to a sophisticated scam.

Why Choose Mari?

1. Automated Filtering: Mari uses intelligent filtering to detect and block spam, phishing, and spoofing attempts before they reach your inbox.

2. Behavioral Analysis: By studying communication patterns, Mari identifies BEC attacks and warns users of potential threats.

3. Context-Aware Alerts: Impersonation detection and attachment scanning are complemented by alerts tailored to your organization's needs.

4. Efficient Organization: Besides security, Mari ensures that your emails are organized, making it easy to find important messages while keeping clutter at bay.

5. Continuous Improvement: With learning algorithms, Mari evolves with emerging threats, offering the latest protection.

Email is vital for businesses and individuals, but it's crucial to have a powerful defense like Mari to handle the lurking threats. By leveraging her intelligent management and protection capabilities, you'll be well-equipped to maintain a clean and secure inbox. Stay safe and let Mari take the weight off your shoulders!